PUBLIC PROJECTS > When We Weave Waves

When We Weave Waves
UV Print on vinyl
When We Weave Waves
UV Print on vinyl
When We Weave Waves
UV Print on vinyl

This work intersects weaving patterns and the image of a remote ocean sunset with a diasporic community in SOMA Pilipinas- Filipino Cultural Heritage District. The patterns are drawn from researching Philippine textiles in the collections of the Asian Art Museum and the SFSU Global museum. These colors are pulled from photos taken by the artist in the Philippines. The resulting image is an abstracted seascape that evokes memories of distant places and ancestry.

Transparent vinyl allows light to pass through and dapple the passageway with colors and a feeling of a forest canopy. From the street, the viewer can sense the distant sunset created by layering abstracted indigenous Philippine textile patterns and vibrant colors.

-Photos by Tommy Lau